
Client Prospecting

The best and most powerful way to get new clients is through your existing network.

A classic mistake is to think that you should start by marketing on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If you don’t have any track record, followers, existing client base or feedback on your sales pitch, then digital marketing may not work for you.

If you do have a Social media following and perhaps an existing client base then digital marketing can work, but please make sure to read our Social Media and Branding guidelines.

The #1 rule of marketing your Papillon business is that you need to talk to your friends/family/work colleagues first.

Your friends and acquaintances are often your most likely clients. They will help you build up a track record. Talking directly to people you know will help you learn how to present yourself and you can “test drive” your sales pitch.

I must have been one of the shyest people on the planet and the thought of selling anything was daunting, but I know that if I can do sales, anyone can! It gets easier.

A couple of things to know going in:

  • Finding clients is your job. It’s not a once-off thing you do. It’s a daily responsibility.
  • Use your network (people you’re connected to on Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, school groups, social groups, Stokvels etc.)
  • If you can’t sell to friends, then you won’t be able to sell to strangers. Some people can sell ice to an Eskimo! If you are one of these people? I’m envious of your skill!
  • So, this is how you can start in 3 easy steps.

Step 1. Choose people. Go through your contacts and send them the following message via email, Whatsapp or Facebook.

We find that Whatsapp groups / broadcast messages are the best way to communicate, you can read more about Broadcast messages here.


I’m very excited to let you know that I’m a Papillon Fragrance Distributor.

Papillon is obsessed with quality and imports perfume oils from various reputable laboratories in Europe.  You can enjoy an exquisite quality perfume that is affordable without having to break the bank. (Perfume sell @ R160 per 30ml bottle / R320 per 100ml bottle)

Papillon fragranced Body Butter and Hand & Nail creams are available to enhance your favourite perfume while leaving your skin soft and moisturised.

Let me know if you would like me to send you the Papillon catalogue or Papillon Perfume list.

That’s all the email/message needs to say. You don’t need to convince them of anything. Don’t despair if they do not ask for the catalogue or Perfume list straight away, remind them later.

Step 2: Send the Papillon catalogue / Perfume list to them if they request it. You can download the PDF catalogue here or simply send them a list of Papillon perfumes which you can download here. (you will have to be logged in to be able to download)

Step 3: when you are ready to take orders, send them a reminder message like this one: (also send this message to everyone that did not request a catalogue/list in step 3)

I’m taking Papillon orders today and tomorrow and deliveries will be done next week so let me know if you would like to order anything. (Attach the Papillon Perfume list/ Catalogue.)

Change your Whatsapp profile picture, to the authorised Papillon distributor logos or use your digital business card (If you haven’t received it yet, let us know). This catches people’s attention and they will start asking questions about Papillon.

A Note on Customer Maintenance.

Remember everyone is busy living life, between work, kids, homework, traffic. Who has time to think about perfume/Papillon products? it is not the only thing they think about. So, it is a good idea to share Facebook posts from our Facebook page to your personal page or forward our Broadcast messages.

Don’t just always push sales. Give them interesting facts about perfume (see our blog page for loads of content). Make them remember you because you are interesting not because you are constantly trying to sell!

PS: Papillon is also on Instagram.

If you are not receiving our Broadcast messages, make sure that you save our number 081 389 1969 on your phone!

How to build your customer base.

There are many ways to build your customer base but here are the two easiest ways.

  1. Reward your existing customer base! Incentivise your customers for referring new customers.
  • Refer 3 new customers and get a free Papillon 100ml fragranced lotion or
  • Refer 5 new customers and get a free Papillon 30ml perfume with your next order.

Be creative here, who doesn’t like freebies right?

  1. Wear Papillon Perfume everywhere you go (and take your Tester kit with you). People will notice your exceptional perfume and ask what you are wearing. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce Papillon’s products to them.

Remember we are here to help you. If you have any questions send us a WhatsApp or drop us a call. Our success depends on your success!



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