
Year End Expenses

Papillon Distributors Beat the Year-End Blues

Many South Africans who are economically active and are formally employed are still struggling to make ends meet, living from month to month and payday to payday. These people have little or no savings or extra funds to help them with unexpected expenses and times of the year, like the Christmas season.

There is a lot of unemployment in this country, so it’s even more difficult for folks who rely on social grants and those who’re unable to find work, but there is a solution to making life easier and earning a primary or additional income by becoming a Papillon distributor.

Our products are easy to distribute and sell because they’re of top quality, despite being remarkably affordable. Papillon distributors earn the major portion of the profit margin (the difference between cost and selling price), so this is a superb way to beat the end of year financial blues and afford your essentials, if not a few luxuries.

Typical Extra Year-End Expenses

Everything costs more than it did at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. 2018’s year-end is almost upon us. There are holiday festivities, Christmas meals and gifts, new clothes, school uniforms and stationery for the kids, payments of outstanding or the following year’s school fees, visiting loved ones and relatives, a trip home for the holidays, and if possible, a few Christmas treats for oneself.

Petrol Pushes Up Living Costs

The price of fuel always plays a major role in the higher cost of living in South Africa, but even more so towards the end of this year. The cost of petrol is an indicating factor of the cost of living.

In 2000, the cost per litre of 93 grade leaded and unleaded petrol was R3,66 in Gauteng and R3,55 at the coast, where fuel is cheaper because it does not include long-distance transport costs. That identical litre of petrol costs R15,86 – almost five times more now, in September 2018.

Plan Now for December and 2019

Planning for your December expenses and extras, as well as next year, is as easy as pie, as a Papillon distributor, but you should put your plan into action right now. The earlier you start distributing our excellent yet affordable his and her perfumes, fragrant lotions, and lovely, natural skincare products, the more money you can make for December and the New Year.

3 Easy Steps to Become a Distributor

  • Register online.
  • Select your starter pack – a beautifully presented sample and product information kit in small, medium, or large size.
  • Pay for your kit.

Now, you’re ready to begin your own, new, and independent Papillon distribution business. Many of our new distributors begin by selling to family members, friends, and colleagues – a great way to get going. You decide when and where to work, and how much you wish to earn – the easy, affordable Papillon way.



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