
Sell fragrances which practically sell themselves

Times are tough. The cost of living is high and prices of all commodities and essential items are rising rapidly. Other than those who are fortunate enough to be really affluent, many South Africans are looking for ways in which to boost (or earn) their basic income.

Sell Something

We don’t mean that you should sell your possessions to generate funds, but the obvious way to overcome financial dilemmas and challenges may be selling a product or service with minimal outlay and a quick turnaround time, full- or part-time, as the case may be.

However, this begs the question: “What can I sell?” Clearly, you’ll want to select a product which is in overall demand, one in which you can believe and one which is fairly and affordably priced, so that your marketplace is wide with ample opportunities to grow.

Furthermore, you’d prefer to set your own sales targets, earnings and working hours or schedule, without being committed to normal office hours. Ideally, you’d like to conduct your own sales business from home, in order to keep overheads very low and flexibility levels high.

Selling Fragrances – Your Solution

If we’ve successfully addressed most of your issues, we suggest that you give serious consideration to selling Papillon fragrances. Most women (and now men too) wear fragrances daily, without which they don’t feel properly dressed or groomed, unlike a few generations ago, when perfumes and after-shaving lotions were set aside for holidays and really special occasions.

Even longer ago, perfumes were not freely available throughout South Africa. Grandma may have had floral sachets stored amongst her best clothes and undies, and that was about the extent of women’s fragrances.

Nowadays, fragrances are everywhere and contained in almost everything, from toilet and household cleaners, to air fresheners, scented candles, detergents and personal hygiene products. However, the real pleasure lies in perfume.

Perfumes by Papillon

Papillon is a South African company which imports essential ingredients and European perfume oils with which to produce an extensive range of 69 perfumes. For your convenience, these fragrances are listed according to the well-known, top international brands by which they were inspired – in content, quality, scent and performance, but not in price.

Alongside each name and its branded equivalent, we indicate the olfactory group within each is categorised, thus making it much easier for our distributors to make recommendations to customers.

Our recommended selling prices are but a tiny fraction of what one would pay for branded, fully imported counterparts, because our (and your) overheads are carefully contained. Your profit margins are substantial. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by selling Papillon fragrances. Simply register online, purchase your starter kit and start earning. It’s that easy.

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