
Perfume Supplier

Transforming into a Financially Free Perfume Supplier

Throughout the business world, the concept of supply and demand is virtually regarded and widely accepted as two different sides of the same coin, which indeed they are. One has a direct bearing and influence on the other, even though they are opposites.

Demand Drives Supply

Demand drives supply, but if supply is managed effectively, it may possibly create demand. Should it happen that the ongoing provision of a popular product comes to a halt, demand may remain high and consistent for a while, but it too would fade away. Demand and customer loyalty would probably become focused somewhere else, on a different or fairly similar product, and then the cycle of supply and demand would once again begin.

Suppliers Create a Demand

This concept is one which we recognise at Papillon, where we believe in helping our distributors to firstly create a demand for our affordable perfumes, and thereafter meet that demand with the fragrances we supply to the agent. The customer views the agent as their perfume supplier, and as someone who goes the extra mile to provide personal service and guidance about product options.

Feel Free

Our agents are freelance distributors, each one an entrepreneur in their own right, someone who earns an entire income or extra money by introducing, selling and distributing our collection of 69 different Papillon perfumes. Agents are free to conduct business wherever and whenever they wish.

Write Your Own Cheque

Essentially, each person virtually writes their own commission cheque, beginning with the very first sale. There’s no ceiling or sales target. As our distributor, the income you earn depends entirely on you and your individual needs. As always, what you put in is what you’ll get out, but fortunately, the choice is yours. There’s no boss looking over your shoulder as a Papillon perfume distributor.

Starting in Familiar Surroundings

Most choose to start building a network of customers at their workplace, amongst family and friends or close to home, in an area that is familiar and where they’re known in the community. Papillon takes care of the primary supply side of this successful perfume business model.


It is truly rewarding to learn how becoming a Papillon perfume supplier has improved and transformed the lives of people who have chosen this route to ensure that they earn enough to support their families and ease the financial burden that comes with doing so. The goal is financial freedom, and sales of our products help our agents to achieve this.

Our name, Papillon, is a French word meaning “butterfly”, a small creature that develops and emerges from a cocoon, from where it flies off into the great, wide world. It’s become a distinctively patterned, multi-coloured creature with delicate wings.

This self-same butterfly is closely associated with freedom once it has transformed from an insignificant worm-like grub into an inspirational, delicate being of outstanding beauty, one that also symbolises freedom.

In today’s hectic world, it is virtually impossible to survive without earning and spending money. Everything is costly, and costs keep rising. Like so many of our other Papillon perfume suppliers and distributors, break free from the restraints of your cocoon that limits your opportunities. Emerge as a perfectly formed, independent income-earner, with the prospect of having a new life of fabulous financial freedom, as free as a bird – or butterfly.


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