
Perfume Distributors

The Sweet Smell of Perfume Distributors’ Success

What is your reaction when a gorgeous fragrance wafts your way from someone else in your vicinity, someone who is wearing a stunning perfume that you’d love to own? Do you compliment the person and ask what fragrance he or she is using? “Is this perhaps the sweet smell of success”, you may wonder?

Life’s Niceties

Are you fond of life’s niceties, the things that add quality to your lifestyle, but you’re under the impression that such products are all just too expensive since you’re already under immense financial pressure to pay rent, put food on the table, pay for utilities and your children’s education?

You wish that things could be different, much easier on your pocket, instead of being faced with a seemingly constant struggle to survive in conditions that have been made worse during the past year. Even if you have a full-time job, there never seems to be enough money to go around that covers your basic expenses, let alone accumulate savings to afford a few treats for your family and yourself.

This isn’t how you thought your life would be. The good news is that it needn’t be so.

Meet Your Needs and More

Never fear – there is a way to meet your needs and more. Moreover, it’s simple, easy, and straightforward – not just because we, at Papillon, say so, but also judging by the feedback and success stories reported by numerous successful Papillon perfume distributors, many of whom are not born salespeople, but suggest that these fragrances virtually sell themselves.

Advantages of Distributing Our Perfumes

  • Inexpensive and easy to register as a distributor.
  • Tester/sales kits to suit your budget, plus the option to expand your kit as and when you wish.
  • Incredibly affordable products containing a high percentage of imported, top quality, long-lasting perfume oils.
  • A comprehensive range of men’s, ladies’ and unisex fragrances, inspired by famous perfumes, plus olfactory guidelines with which to simplify customers search for the scents that they find appealing. Aspirant distributors should note that Papillon perfumes are not copies of anything else on the market; likenesses are listed for comparison purposes only.
  • Recommended selling prices have a built-in commission – your earnings.
  • No sales targets; you start earning as from your very first and every sale thereafter.
  • No boss telling you what to do; you distribute perfumes according to your own schedule, to whichever customers you choose, in your own choice of area.

Experience Your Own Sweet Success

Most of us have heard the expression “money doesn’t grow on trees”, because if trees were the source of money, we’d all be wealthy, successful pickers and trees would be stripped bare. However, by becoming a Papillon perfume distributor, your sweet-smelling future and financial success is within your reach.


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