
Mother’s day with Papillon

Saying “I Love You” on Mother’s Day

It’s hard to believe how quickly time marches on – at a rate of knots, or so it feels, judging by this rapid progression of days and months. 2018 has barely begun, or so it seems, and suddenly the month of May and the nationally celebrated, special day in honour of mums – Mother’s Day – is upon us.

What are you doing for your dearest wife, the mother of your children, and your own precious mother – and in-law, for that matter – on Mother’s Day? Most families arrange a brunch or lunch together, one which requires no effort, which is super. Getting together as a family is bound to be one of your wife’s and/or mum’s favourite occasions.

Her Pleasure

Nevertheless, wouldn’t you love to give this special mother something that is intended for her use and pleasure alone – a gift which will keep on giving long after Mother’s Day has passed? You really want her to know how much you love and value her; you dearly want to illustrate this tangibly with an indulgent gift.

Like everyone else in this country, you’re only too aware that “spoils” are treats, and by their very nature, are usually rather expensive. Such treats generally consist of something that you know that she would enjoy having or using, but that she is unlikely to buy for herself. Most mums, yours included, undoubtedly think of others first and prefer to spoil them, rather than spending money on themselves and their own desires or perceived personal luxuries.

Spoil and Pamper Her with Perfume

 Women simply adore perfume, not just because a fragrance makes them smell good, but also because it elicits so many other good feelings and positive emotions. The female wearer feels indulged, desirable, sensual, pampered, treasured and loved, fresh or sophisticated, and ultra-feminine – moods, feelings, and emotions that you wish upon your significant mother/s.

Papillon’s precious perfumes are the perfect Mother’s Day gifts, produced from the finest, imported European perfume oils, many of which are also used by the international big brand names.

Say It with Fragrance

Our exclusive, affordable range has been extended with additional fragrances, some of which have not been made available in this country by the big brand brands that inspired our Papillon collection, which make them great Mother’s Day “spoils” with which to say, “I love you”.

From 20 April until 13 May 2018, our agents and their customers (as well as all the beloved mums) can enjoy budget-beating special offers, made available just in time for Mother’s Day. Receive a fabulous 5-ml fragrance from Papillon’s new range, free with the purchase of any 30-ml perfume – a super addition to a sensational scent for a very special lady.


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