
How to Make Extra Money

Making Extra Money While Being Your Own Boss

In our modern society, there’s money and then – there’s extra money. Neither falls out of the sky; most people have to earn it. There are a few exceptions of sorts, though. Some people may have the financial support of a really wealthy family, which sees to all their needs, while others may inherit substantial amounts of money and other valuable assets. Alternatively, a beneficiary may come into money via a trust fund.

Pensioners and Retirees

Many people of pensionable age, who thought that they’d made adequate provision for retirement, may find that the retirement annuities or pension plans to which they’d contributed throughout their lives are now inadequate. This has occurred through no fault of their own, but purely because the cost of living has increased so much. Now, they’re struggling to keep to tight budgets. Without more funds, they might outlive their pensions.

Inadequate Social Grants

Others, far less fortunate, may have to rely on the pay-out of state pensioner’s or social grants. The latter is seldom sufficient to sustain the recipient, who may have no choice in the matter, or so they may think, unless the person realises that there are practical ways to make extra money.

Individuals, Households and Families

The fact is that for umpteen South Africans, making extra money has become essential, since there never seems to be enough of the stuff to go around, in order to meet regular and/or unexpected expenses. One thing is certain – the cost of living will hopefully stabilise, at least for a while at some stage, but it is highly unlikely to come down.

If you need money, it’s up to you to explore opportunities to earn an extra income. This applies equally to individuals, singles, couples, families and many households, particularly when dependants and children are involved.

Extra Income Opportunities

  • Keep eyes and ears open for part-time employment prospects.
  • Let your friends and acquaintances know that you’re in the market for temporary (or permanent) jobs. Personal recommendations and referrals are invaluable.
  • Investigate all likely sources that advertise jobs in the formal and informal media sectors.
  • Find a credible product or service for which there is a market and sell, sell, sell.

Above all, keep Papillon in mind. In fact, Papillon’s exceptionally affordable ranges of perfumes and fragrance lotions should appear uppermost on your list of extra money-earning possibilities. Why is this so?

These products virtually sell themselves, only requiring an introduction to your family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and community members – especially the folks who appreciate a bargain and would love wearing fine perfumes every day. Be your own boss. Make extra money right from your very first sale, without having to meet targets.


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