
Boost Summer Income

Boost your Income this Summer Season

Traditionally, winter is the time of year when people tend to stay indoors and cocoon themselves at home with warm clothing, fluffy blankets, comfort foods, and a cup of hot chocolate, usually in front of the television set.

Liberated and Transformed

In South Africa, we’re lucky that our winters are fairly short and mild. Once spring turns into summer, people become active again, emerging from a cocoon-like state and transforming into beautiful, newly liberated butterflies. “Papillon” is the French word for “butterfly”, which is why we chose it as the name of our perfume distribution company, which offers our agents unlimited opportunities to liberate their lifestyles and boost their income by selling and supplying our products to their own customers.

This can be a life-changing transformation. The ideal time to begin transforming and boosting the income that supports you and your family’s lifestyle is right now, especially since the long, warm South African summer is just beginning and the summer festive season and school holidays are drawing ever closer.

Expensive Summer Season

It is the time of year that includes affording additional and fancier food and groceries, holiday treats, entertainment for the children, gifts, and visits to relatives and friends. Additionally, the new school year, with the payment of school fees, uniforms, books, and stationery, is just after the summer holidays.

A Boost Is Best

Like many other South Africans, you may need extra money. Boosting your income can become essential and Papillon offers an effective, uncomplicated opportunity and solution to earn more, particularly in the run-up to Christmas shopping for special gifts. It’s important for you to keep this in mind if you’ve already signed up with Papillon as an agent.

Agents’ Income Boosting Tips

  •  Now that warmer weather has arrived, people are much more inclined to shop and spend money. Use this to your advantage, while assisting your customers with gift selections.
  •  Use your social media apps to send your customers news, updates, and reminders. Remind them that they have a one-stop gift solution with you and Papillon’s products.
  •  Let your customers know that it’s not too late to order great, affordable gifts by Papillon, providing they place their orders soon, or better still, right now!
  •  Encourage your customers to switch to typical summer fragrances to suit the summer season and summer fashions. Light and fruity florals or green scents are great in warm weather.
  • Remember that you, as an existing agent, can also earn additional income by referring new agents to Papillon.

Our website contains testimonials from numerous Papillon agents, who report how selling our products has boosted their incomes. We wish you every success.


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