
5 Tips to Start Your Sales Success in 2019

At Papillon, the home of remarkably affordable, high-quality perfumes, fragranced lotions, and gentle, natural skincare products, we continually strive to provide our distributors with helpful information, recommendations, and tips to further their success. It’s as important to us as it is to them that they achieve their goals and improve their circumstances.

In all successful interactions, communication is a key factor. We communicate with our distributors electronically – keeping them up to date with new developments, Papillon news, trends, and tips. Our regular communication enables Papillon agents to do the same with their network of customers. We’d like to provide you with five terrific tips that you can include in your customer communications and dealings in 2019.

Tips 1-5

Evaluate your current circumstances before or at the start of 2019. Identify your shortfalls and set financial goals to improve your situation and help you achieve your money requirements in 2019. Setting goals is a call to action. How many Papillon products will you need to sell to reach your personal target? Draw up a plan and apply it throughout 2019. Apply methods that were previously successful or otherwise try new approaches.

  1. Use a separate bank account for business purposes. This way, you will keep business and personal funds apart, and avoid dipping into business funds for personal use. Record all customer sales. Avoid outstanding customer debt and chase up any payments that are outstanding. Include sales and expenses in your accounting system. This will allow you to view your profits at a glance, as well as any shortfalls towards achieving your financial goals.
  2. Communicate regularly with your customers to strengthen your business relationship, without just focusing on sales. Communicating general news and trends, plus showing that you’ve remembered their birthdays and other personal events, is meaningful to customers, ensuring that they know you value them. In turn, they’re more likely to support someone who cares about them – you.
  3. Adopt a positive attitude by being grateful for what you have, even in difficult financial circumstances. There are always things for which one can be grateful and have an appreciation – food, a roof over your head, the love of your children, parents, friends, and pets, or something as simple as a beautiful day. Appreciation makes you more positive, less stressed, happier, and better able to tackle and solve problems with the belief and determination of a positive outcome.
  4. Every business presents challenges. If things don’t go to plan, reassess, rethink what happened, make changes where necessary/possible, and move forward.

Remember, the only people who truly fail are those who never try, nor take action to achieve their goals. Don’t be one of them. Utilise our tips and other positive influences to start 2019 and your future with a bang.


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