
3 Reasons to Turn to Papillon for Generic Wholesale Perfumes

Do you love perfume? Do you love it enough to sell it? Or, are you looking to stock up on all your favourite scents without having to spend a fortune? A multibillion-dollar industry that is only getting stronger, perfume has never been in more demand. But perfume is expensive. Who can afford to buy bottles worth thousands each month. There are millions of women throughout South Africa who cannot afford to do this, and this is where Papillion’s generic wholesale perfumes come to the rescue.

#1 Our Quality Scents Ensure Optimal Longevity

Unfortunately, not many people understand the concept of generic perfumes. Inspired by the original, generic perfumes are high-quality replicas that have the identical chemical composition of the original. Just like original expensive perfumes – through the scientific process of reverse engineering – generic perfume notes are separated into three classes: top/head notes, middle/heart notes and base notes. These notes are created carefully with knowledge of the evaporation process and intended use of the perfume. Original perfumes last for around 5 hours or more, and our generic perfumes last just as long.

#2 We Offer Over 69 Different Fragrances

Carefully created with knowledge of the evaporation process, not only do our generic perfumes ensure optimal longevity, but they are on average 5 times less expensive than original branded perfumes. It is a well-known industry fact that more than 80% of the retail price of original branded perfumes are linked to packaging, marketing and branding – but not our perfume! The #1 alternative to expensive perfume – our customers don’t buy our perfumes for their packaging, they buy our perfumes for their quality scents. At Papillon, we offer over 69 new and classic perfume brands. Whatever you want, we’ve got it, and at wholesale prices too!

#3 We Sell Wholesale Perfume to Everyone

If you love fragrances and want to start earning a good second income, then allow us to offer you one of the most lucrative opportunities of a lifetime. A mainstream element of the cosmetics industry, you will make loads of money selling our generic perfume. At Papillon, we offer pharmacies, retailers, salons, spas, and everyday people like you and me the incredible opportunity to sell perfume for a low start-up cost.

“I joined Papillon, as I am passionate about good quality perfumes. It is the perfect opportunity to make extra money for my family and be a stay-at-home mom. This is a top-quality product and I sell it with pride. The extra money I make contributes to my husband’s salary for those extras for my two boys. Currently saving for their 1st and 4th birthday party. Thanks for letting me be a part of your amazing team.” – Cindy

Getting started is really easy. Once you’ve registered as a distributor with us on our website, you will be required to purchase a tester kit which consists of a stylish silver cosmetic case, a product info guide/fragrance list, 69 atomisers/testers (5ml, content +/- 4ml each), 50 business cards, an order/receipt, a book of 100 smelling strips, and a container with coffee beans for customers to neutralise their sense of smell when testing different fragrances. Once you’ve purchased your tester kit, you can start selling perfume and making loads of money.

For the widest and most affordable range of generic wholesale perfumes in South Africa, turn to us at Papillon.


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